
Jaguar Mk2 on set with John Bishop's Britain

Our Operations Manager Russ Pemberton is currently recovering after a late night film shoot for John Bishop's Britain down in Surrey. Russ spent 9 hours on set on Thursday 4th August with our 1965 Jaguar Mk2 for hire in Worcestershire, plus 5 hours driving time to and from the location in Surrey.
The Jaguar Mk2 was used as part of a sketch about John Bishop's youth which is scheduled to air oon 6th August 2011 on John Bishop's popular BBC1 programme. The car sported a special B15 HOP registration plate for the shoot.
"We arranged the car for the shoot at very short notice" explains Graham Eason of Great Escape Classic Car Hire. "Fortunately we have the staff and transport facilities to enable us to do this sort of job anywhere in the UK."
To see how the Jaguar Mk2 looked on set visit the Great Escape Classic Car Hire Facebook page by clicking here. We currently have nearly 2,500 followers on Facebook who receive updates on what we're up to and special discounts.